Four steps to revive and accelerate your leadership career

Leaders can jump-start their career success by slowing down, allowing time for self-reflection, pumping up their curiosity and letting go of habits that no longer serve them. If you find yourself in constant motion, tap the brakes to reduce your […]

“I want to pursue personal change”

The desire to pursue personal change is one I hear expressed frequently in my coaching work. The motivations for this are easy to understand. The world is changing faster than ever before, from technological innovations to pressing ecological issues and […]

The Paradox of Success

With tectonic shifts in the business environment caused by digitalisation, sustainability challenges, the Covid-19 crisis, generational change and geopolitical upheavals, the CEO role has changed apace. To have any hope of surviving at the top, business leaders must be adaptable. […]

My most important leadership lesson

The simultaneity of the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental problems, digitalization, geopolitical tensions, and generational change poses major challenges for many companies. Now, top leaders must have the courage to hold back on the hasty development of strategies and instead devote all […]

Mindfulness can help unlock your company’s collective intelligence

Companies increasingly are setting up agile, cross-functional teams to tackle complex problems that need to be solved through teamwork and collective intelligence. Are there ways that firms can nurture these abilities among employees? A ten-week mindfulness program can lead to […]